Publications on Key Populations

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This manual provides a set of guidelines for rapidly obtaining the information necessary to begin the development of effective prevention programs for sex workers and their clients.
Resource | Publications,
The present report details the observations of the national baseline BSS survey among high-risk groups, Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and Injecting Drug Users (IDUs), which was conducted in 5 cities/States across the country.
Resource | Publications,
This report presents the findings and conclusions from the fourth round of national HIV serological and behavioural surveillance that was conducted in 2002.
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This survey is the fourth round of the BSS conducted in the highway route of the FHI project area.
Resource | Publications,
The inter-regional workshop ‘Young people, HIV/ AIDS, Drug and Substance Use in Asia’ organized jointly by the UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) and the Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA), in collaboration with UNDCP Regional office for South Asia, took place in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 18 – 22 March 2002.
Resource | Data Sheets,
National Baseline BSS among Men Who Have sex with Men(MSM) was conducted in 5 cities/States across the country: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkatta, Chennai, Bangalore.
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In spite of recent decades of unprecedented economic growth and industrialization in South East Asia, the bulk of economic activity is still based on agricultural production in rural areas. While urbanization continues to be a key demographic trend, most people still live in rural areas working in the agricultural sector.
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The present report provides the detailed findings of the baseline survey conducted among the bridge group (Client of Female Sex Workers) and one high-risk population group (Female Sex Workers) seeking their present status on awareness, knowledge, attitude and behaviour with regard to STD/HIV/AIDS.
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The Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) was introduced in Vietnam in 2000 to compliment the extensive sero-prevalence and passive HIV surveillance systems instituted nationally
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The Cambodian National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD (NCHADS) conducts surveillance at regular intervals to monitor biological and behavioral indicators of HIV.