Publications on People Living With HIV (PLHIV)

Resource | Tools,
This guide is developed to assist TB and HIV programme managers and other stakeholders in monitoring and evaluation for collaborative TB/HIV activities. It is intended to facilitate collection of standardized data and to help in interpretation and dissemination of these data for programme improvement at national and subnational level.
Resource | Publications,
This report scrutinizes the HIV epidemic and a more detailed description of its epidemiology in the SAARC region. In addition, this report also includes the situation of HIV/AIDS in the region and the HIV/AIDS Control Program of member states of the region.
Resource | Publications,
This report presents the findings of the 14th National HSS among ANC clinic attendees and shows prevalence levels and trends of the HIV epidemic from 2003 to 2014-15. Though the 14th round of HSS was carried out among ANC only, this report also includes data on HIV prevalence among High Risk Groups (HRG) and Bridge Populations from earlier rounds of HSS.
Resource | Publications,
This Strategic Plan sets out the key directions for the Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) in 2016–20. It outlines how – in those five years – NSWP will build on its significant achievements and lessons to date, while also strengthening critical areas of its work and responding to a changing and challenging environment.
Resource | Guidelines,
This HIV clinical management guideline is substantially changed from the 2012 guidelines. This is a consolidated guideline, including sections on antiretroviral therapy and opportunistic infections, which were previously contained in two separate documents. In addition to avoiding repetition, the intention is also to make the format more concise, with more dot points, tables and algorithms than paragraphed text.
Resource | Publications,
A National Consultation on legal protection for people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS was organized by the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on 21st December 2015. The objectives of the consultation was to deliberate on mechanisms for enhancing access to legal support by PLHIV and key populations and strengthen the mechanism of legal aid being provided by National Legal Service Authority , State Legal Service Authority & District Legal Service Authority and Taluk Level Service Authority.
Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
This document gives a summary of HIV and AIDS related data in Malaysia for the year 2015.
Resource | Publications,
The main objective of this update is to reassess the recommendation to provide isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) for 36 months to children and adults living with HIV, including pregnant women, those receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART), and those who have successfully completed TB treatment and are living in settings with high TB and HIV prevalence and transmission, based on the requirements of the WHO Guidelines Review Committee.
Resource | Publications,
The 10 case studies presented in this document clearly demonstrate that social protection works for HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.
Resource | Publications,
The Essentials provides in-depth explanations of the vision, goal, targets and milestones of the End TB Strategy as well as the key indicators to measure progress.