Publications on People Living With HIV (PLHIV)

Resource | Publications,
This document aims to assess prevalence and correlates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, risk factors, and HIV knowledge among tuberculosis patients in Afghanistan.
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Our study objective was to describe the course of the HIV prevalence among TB patients in Ho Chi Minh City during 1997–2002. By combining our data with the NTP reporting data, we also quantifi ed the effect of HIV on the TB reporting rates in this city.
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In January 2006, the Chinese government along with WHO and UNAIDS jointly estimated that 650,000 people were living with HIV in China, including about 75,000 AIDS patients. During 2005 there were around 70,000 new HIV infections and 25,000 AIDS deaths.1 These large numbers have to be considered in the context of China's extremely large population which is estimated at around 1,300 million.
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This review is aimed at generating informed discussion among key stakeholders including academia, policy makers, governments, donors and people living with HIV on the phenomenon of stigma and discrimination, with a particular focus on its human development context and impact.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
National STD/AIDS Control Programme, Department of Health Service, HIV/AIDS Estimates for Sri Lanka as of end 2005
Resource | Guidelines,
This guideline module is for use in caring for patients with TB disease at first-level health facilities (health centres and the clinical team in district outpatient clinics) in countries with high burden of HIV. It addresses the care of both HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients with TB disease.
Resource | Presentations,
This presentation aims to analyse the occurrence of stavudine (d4T) related toxicity in a large cohort of patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).
Resource | Publications,
The objective of the forum is to provide a place where knowledge, experience and practical solutions about stigma and HIV can be discussed and shared among people from all regions.
Resource | Presentations,
This is a presentation on results obtained from the implementation of the project, "A comprehensive intervention based on peer education for injecting drug users" in Lang Son. The objective of this project is to restrain HIV/AIDS epidemic within IDUs and from this group in to community in Lang Son.
Resource | Publications,
This initiative is based on informing and informed understanding about causes and issues of HIV and AIDS from the perspective of governance and power relationship, unequal and unjust power equations.