Publications on People Who Inject Drugs (PWID)
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This report summarizes the investigation into the world of online drug markets. Although at present, it appears that only a minority of drugs are purchased in this manner, it seems likely that online drug markets could in the near future disrupt drug dealing in the same way that eBay, Amazon and PayPal have revolutionised the retail experience.
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In this report, the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) offers recommendations based on evidence and examples of good practice to inform a shift in policy responses to drug use in Asia away from criminalisation and punishment, and towards public health and harm reduction. It describes effective approaches to the decriminalisation of drug use.
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Within the following pages we aim to provide an overview of the data and topics presented in, as well as the key themes emerging from, the World Drug Report 2015. As is the norm, where appropriate we will offer critical analysis of and comment on all three, including a full discussion of thematic chapter two that this year focuses on alternative development.
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The Overall objective of this mapping study was to update population size estimates of selected key populations (PWID, FSWs, MSM & TGs) to create evidence for developing action plans for HIV prevention interventions in Pakistan. A total number of 23 cities/towns were selected for Mapping. This included 13 cities in Punjab province, 6 in Sindh Province and 2 cities each in KPK and Baluchistan provinces.