Publications on People Who Inject Drugs (PWID)

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- The first HIV case was detected in 1988.
- The key populations are as follows:
- People who inject drugs (PWID)
- Sex workers and their clients (Male and Female)
- Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and transgender people
- Male Labor Migrants and their wives
- Prison Inmates
- Heterosexual transmission is dominant
- HIV prevalence among adult population in the country is below 1%

Resource | Publications,
This joint briefing paper by NSWP and INPUD highlights the specific needs and rights of sex workers who use drugs, as a community that spans two key populations. This document provides an overview of some of the most endemic and substantive ways in which sex workers who use drugs face double criminalisation and associated police harassment, intersectional stigma, compounded marginalisation and social exclusion, heightened interference and harassment from healthcare and other service providers, infantilisation, pathologisation, and an associated undermining of agency, choice, and self-determination.
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Compilation of the data on the 2015 Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance among males/transgenders who have sex with males (M/TSM), freelance female sex workers (FFSW), male entertainment establishment workers (MEW), transgender women (TGW), injecting drug users (IDU) male and female in different locations.
Resource | Publications,
On 18th October 2015, in the margins of the 24th International Harm Reduction Conference in Kuala Lumpur, stakeholders in Malaysian harm reduction programs, including the Malaysian Ministry of Health, the National Anti-Drugs Agency, the Centre of Excellence for Research in AIDS (CERiA), addiction psychiatrists, the Addiction Medicine Association Malaysia (AMAM), the Royal Malaysian Police, the Centre for Drug Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and people who use drugs convened to discuss the Next Leap Forward in Harm Reduction in Malaysia. This report documents their discussions and makes several key recommendations.
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This module aims to present participants with a theoretical basis and practical models of building effective programmes on access to care and treatment for PWIDs, using community-based outreach services for marginalized groups as a platform.
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This is the sixth round of the IBBS survey conducted among People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) in Eastern Terai.
Resource | Fact Sheets,

Background about STI in Nepal:
- Key interventions for management of STI in Nepal are targeted Behavior Change Communication (BCC), condom promotion and distribution, diagnosis and treatment of STI (both syndromic and etiological management) and referral services.
- STI management services are available from Government Health Facilities and NGOs for key population.
- Nepal has been following WHO recommended approach for the management of STIs in patients with recognized signs and symptoms.

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This paper provides an overview of how current drug policies affect human development, including UNDP's mandate and activities.
Resource | Publications,
Started in 2005, the Thailand Ministry of Public Heath by Bureau of AIDS and STI, the A2 Thailand and the Thai Working Group on HIV/AIDS Projections (2005) presented the HIV projection for HIV/AIDS in Thailand 2005-2025 using the Asian Epidemic Model. The results had been used to guide the National Strategic Plan.
Resource | Presentations,
Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University