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Displaying results 1011 - 1020 of 4052

Resource | Publications,
This report, Legal Gender Recognition in China: A Legal and Policy Review, provides an important resource for the inclusion of transgender people in Chinese laws and policies. The report provides specific recommendations and suggested actions that will promote legal gender recognition and inclusion for transgender people and, if adopted, will facilitate an enabling environment for transgender people to access education, employment, health and other public services. The report also highlights transgender community efforts and initiatives that could serve as new platforms for asserting transgender inclusion and those which could open the doors for more enhanced collaboration among the various sectors.
Resource | Guidelines,
The INSPIRE handbook: action for implementing the seven strategies for ending violence against children explains in detail how to choose and implement interventions that will fit your needs and context. The seven strategy-specific chapters address the:
  • Implementation and enforcement of laws
  • Norms and values
  • Safe environments
  • Parent and caregiver support
  • Income and economic strengthening
  • Response and support services
  • Education and life skills.
The handbook concludes with a summary of INSPIRE’s implementation and impact indicators, drawn from the companion INSPIRE indicator guidance and results framework.
Resource | Publications,
This study provides an approximate estimate of how much disease can be prevented by reducing occupational risks to health. The analysis uses a combination of approaches with a clear focus on comparative risk assessment methods, which apply detailed exposure and exposure-risk information. Of the 1.2 million deaths attributable to occupation, 1.1 million (90%) were estimated using comparative risk assessment methods, and the remaining using more limited epidemiological data and expert opinion. While the evidence has shown that many diseases are caused by occupational risks to health, to date, only a limited number of those could be quantified, suggesting that the disease burden from occupational risks presented in this report remains a conservative estimate.
Resource | Publications,
The Papua New Guinea National STI & HIV Strategy 2018–2022, is the strategic guide for the country’s response to STI and HIV at both national, provincial and district levels. The strategy addresses the drivers of the STI and HIV epidemic and builds on achievements of the previous country strategic plans to achieve its goal of contributing to the country’s Vision 2050 through universal access to comprehensive STI and HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.
Resource | Publications,
This report presents the findings of the second round of Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) surveys conducted in 2016-2017 among female sex workers (FSW) and men who have sex with men (MSM) in Dili and Baucau, Timor-Leste. The previous round was conducted in 2011 among the same populations and found an HIV prevalence of less than 5%. The present study is primarily aimed to track the HIV epidemic, monitor sexual risk behaviours, and to measure access to intervention programs in responding to HIV.
Resource | Laws and Policies,
Antiretroviral treatment (ART) optimization is a key pillar in the AIDS Free agenda to reach the goal of ensuring 95% of all infants and children have access to lifesaving treatment. This policy brief outlines key considerations to facilitate effective transition to more clinically appropriate regimens as optimal ARV medicines and dosage forms become available.
Resource | Tools,
The toolkit was developed under the umbrella of the Global Accelerator for Paediatric Formulations initiative to address some of the remaining challenges in developing HIV drugs for children and to serve as a global standard for accelerating high-quality research and development in this field. It provides an opportunity to capitalize on best practices and to set standards that enable drugs and formulations to be developed and introduced more rapidly. The aim of this toolkit is to facilitate faster, more efficient and focused development of new formulations for the effective treatment of infants, children and adolescents living with HIV by synthesizing key considerations for different stages of the drug development process.
Resource | Publications,
Although access to effective HIV antiretroviral treatments has improved significantly – enabling people living with HIV to live long and productive lives including working and contributing to society in many different ways – people living with HIV continue to face discrimination in relation to work in terms of finding employment, keeping jobs and furthering career progression.
Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
This provides an interactive report with colourful infographics and bite-size information on the HIV epidemic and response on key populations at higher risk of HIV in Myanmar.
Resource | Presentations,
The objectives are to determine national prevalence estimates and related risk behaviors for HIV and syphilis among entertainment workers (EW), to provide data for program planning and management of STI and HIV prevention programs for EW and their clients and to evaluate HIV/syphilis prevalence and behaviors among EW.