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The National STD/AIDS Control Programme (NSACP) of the Ministry of Health, is the main government organization responsible for planning and implementation of the national response to HIV/AIDS in Sri Lanka in collaboration with all stakeholders. This volume of NSACP annual report summarizes the activities conducted by the NSACP during 2017 and presents the strategic information on STI and HIV collected from all the peripheral STD clinics and ART centers situated island-wide. It is noted with satisfaction that over the years the annual report of NSACP has become a reliable reference document on HIV and STI situation in the country to both the public and the research community.
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The purpose of this study was to collect data on the “high-fun” realities of young gay, bisexual men and other young men who have sex with men in three major cities in the region; Bangkok, Hanoi and Jakarta. The cities were selected depending on available data on drug use. This is a qualitative study undertaken by Youth Voices Count as a regional network and serves the purpose of collection of data to inform future interventions and advocacy of YVC on and for young gay, bisexual men and other young men who have sex with men who use drugs in sexualized settings. This study is by no means a scientific study of this phenomenon.
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The region’s vibrant economies and societies have produced historic advances in human well-being. Women have been central to these advances, as leaders of communities and countries, as workers and innovators, as advocates for peace and security. In 2016 and 2017, as this report amply demonstrates, UN Women played an instrumental part in mobilizing people to step up efforts to achieve gender equality and contribute to other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the 2030 deadline. Our efforts gave women more voice, more choice, and greater safety; they included women most marginalized in their societies.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
Male-to-female transgender or transgender women (TGW) has been a neglected and hard-to-reach community, yet various overseas studies have shown that their HIV prevalence can be high. To better study the situation in Hong Kong, Special Preventive Programme of the Department of Health (DH) has included TGW as one distinct at-risk population to be covered in the HIV/AIDS Response Indicator Survey (HARiS, a venue-base survey) since 2014. It is the first time DH included TGW in PRiSM (HIV prevention and risk behavioural survey of men who have sex with men in Hong Kong). As PRiSM is a community-based survey and the participants only need to complete a self-administered online questionnaire, it was hoped that more TGW could be reached. The study aims to update on the HIV prevalence among TGW in Hong Kong, and inform on HIV/STIs preventive interventions and the profile of risk behaviours of local TGW.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
This fact sheet provides an overview of the situation faced by LGBT persons in Indonesia amidst increasing violence and hate perpetrated both by government and non-state actors. This is written for civil society organizations and other interested groups who need reliable and summarized information to guide them in developing their advocacy plans. The increasing violence against LGBT people in Indonesia in recent years is unprecedented and "has left many in the country's LGBT community fearing for their safety." A prominent journalist commented that "the few voices defending the rights of LGBTs are being drowned out, or rather bullied, by the growing chorus that has turned the LGBT community into Indonesia's public enemy No. 1."
Resource | Fact Sheets,
We created a toolkit to help you understand the current state of HIV vaccine research and to help you conduct outreach of your own. We’re especially excited this year about a set of infographics that explain key aspects of vaccine research – trial participant and enrollment numbers, global funding, trials timelines, and more.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
In May 2018, there were 950 new HIV antibody seropositive individuals reported to the HIV/AIDS and ART Registry of the Philippines (HARP). Seventeen percent (166) had clinical manifestations of advanced HIV infection (WHO clinical stage 3 or 4) at the time of diagnosis.
Resource | Publications,
At the 2011 United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AIDS that took place in June in New York, Member States adopted a new Political Declaration which contained new targets to effectively respond to the AIDS epidemic. The 2011 Political Declaration mandates UNAIDS to support countries in reporting back on progress made towards achieving the new commitments. It also provides for the UN Secretary-General to report regularly to the General Assembly on progress achieved in realizing these commitments. The first case of HIV was diagnosed in Singapore in 1985. Since then, the number of HIV notifications among Singapore residents has increased from 2 in 1985 to a cumulative total of 7,982 as of 31 Dec 2017. Of these, 1,960 (25%) have died.
Resource | Publications,
The purpose of this study was to collect data on the "high-fun" realities of young gay, bisexual men and other young men who have sex with men in three major cities in the region; Bangkok, Hanoi and Jakarta. The cities were selected depending on available data on drug use. This is a qualitative study undertaken by Youth Voices Count as a regional network and serves the purpose of collection of data to inform future interventions and advocacy of YVC on and for young gay, bisexual men and other young men who have sex with men who use drugs in sexualized settings. This study is by no means a scientific study of this phenomenon.
Resource | Publications,
From 12 to 14 December 2017, the Transnational Institute (TNI) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ), in collaboration with the Thai Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) and the Mae Fah Luang Foundation under Royal Patronage (MFLF), jointly organised the 9th Asian Informal Drug Policy Dialogue (IDPD) in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Representatives from government institutions and civil society organisations from Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, China, and Afghanistan, as well as several international NGOs, intergovernmental organisations and experts, including experts on drug policy from Latin America attended the Dialogue. At the Dialogue, 48 participants discussed issues around AD as well as broader (rural) development issues in the context of drug policy.