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Resource | Publications,
Since 2001, WHO and its partners have offered support on engaging private providers for TB prevention and care, the need for which has been recognized in global TB strategies since 2006. Since 2002, the Public Private Mix Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership (formerly a sub-group of the DOTS Expansion Working Group) has held 13 global meetings on the subject. Several WHO guidance documents have been issued and a number of major reviews of the literature have been published (1–5). While considerable experience has been gained in a wide range of health market contexts, and some countries have made more sustained progress than others, overall engagement of private providers remains weak considering the important role of private providers in many high-burden countries. An essential premise of this document is that global and national goals in TB cannot be achieved unless private providers are engaged on a scale commensurate with their role in health systems.  In this context, the purpose of the landscape analysis is ultimately to facilitate improved engagement of private providers, thereby contributing to universal access to quality and affordable TB care and the end of the TB epidemic. It focuses on the role of private for-profit providers and on specific challenges and experiences in engaging them for TB prevention and care.
Resource | Publications,
The WHO Global Task Force on TB Impact Measurement provides global oversight to ensure that assessments of progress towards ending TB at global, regional and country levels are as rigorous, robust and consensus based as possible. The Task Force supports countries to improve the analysis and use of TB data for policy, planning and programmatic action, and is committed to the ongoing improvement of model-based policy analysis as a tool for strategic planning and budgeting. This document aims to provide concrete, pragmatic guidance for how TB modelling and related technical assistance is undertaken to support country decision-making. The target audience for this document are the participants and stakeholders in country-level TB modelling efforts, including the individuals who build and apply models; policy-makers, technical experts and other members of the TB community; international funding and technical partners; and individuals and organizations engaged in supporting TB policy-making.
Resource | Publications,
In 2017, 3.6 million of the estimated 10 million people with TB worldwide were “missed” by national TB programmes (NTPs). Two thirds of them are thought to access TB treatment of questionable quality from public and private providers who are not engaged by the NTP. The quality of care provided in these settings is often not known or substandard. Closing these gaps and ensuring patient-centred care imply that quality-assured and affordable TB services must be made available wherever people choose to seek care.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
This 2018 snapshot is the third annual edition of this publication, showing the prevalence and trends of violence against women in the Asia-Pacific region. The data in the map and table 2 reflect the most recent (national, if available) data collected with either the WHO methodology, the DHS-DV module, or the UNECE VAW module, from publicly available survey reports, updated in August 2018.
Resource | Publications,
The document sets out the changes we want to achieve for people who use drugs, the responses we will make to achieve these changes, the desired outcomes, and the preconditions that need to be in place for the changes to occur.
Resource | Tools,
This toolkit was developed to help program implementers, particularly community-based organizations (CBOs) and others working in direct service delivery, to more effectively address safety and security challenges within their implementation of HIV programs for and with key populations. It is designed for use in hostile environments; for example, where members of key populations are criminalized and face elevated levels of stigma, discrimination, and violence. The toolkit has three section: first is a review of safety and security challenges and their impact on HIV programming, and promising practices and recommendations to address these challenges.  Secondly, three practical checklists help programme implementers systematically identify strengths and weaknesses in their efforts to protect organisations, individuals, and implementation sites. Last is an annotated bibliography of safety and security resources.
Resource | Guidelines,
The emergence of drug-resistant TB is a major global health concern, which threatens the ambitious goals and progress set under the End TB Strategy. Isoniazid-resistant TB, which is present in 8% of TB cases worldwide, reduces treatment success in patients treated with the standard 6-month first-line regimen.
Resource | Publications,
Tuberculosis (TB) in now the leading infectious killer in the world, having surpassed HIV, and is among the top 10 causes of death worldwide. In 2016, 1.7 million people worldwide died of TB, including 400 000 TB deaths among people living with HIV. The Sustainable Development Goals call for action to end the TB epidemic as a public health threat by 2030, but the pace of progress currently is too slow to achieve this milestone.
Resource | Publications,
This document includes information on the relationship between GBV and HIV, the rationale behind GBV screening, the steps taken to integrate GBV programming across the Program in general and into HIV clinical services, lessons learned and recommendations, as well as resources and references for integration. Separate annexes contain additional materials and tools created by the Program. The diagram below summarizes the Program’s activities related to GBV.
Resource | Publications,
The Strengthening HIV/AIDS Services for Key Populations in Papua New Guinea project generated an end of project series in three parts. The summary document presents results, success stories, recommendations and lessons learned. The second document shows the relationship between gender-based violence and HIV in the country and looks at the benefits of integrating clinical services. The third document is a set of annexes to the step-by-step process of integrating gender-based violence services with HIV services.