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Displaying results 1221 - 1230 of 4052

Resource | Publications,
This study reviews progress in six Asia-Pacific countries towards the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 3.7 and 3.8 on Universal Health Coverage for all and access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning. 
Resource | Publications,
Ths study reviews progress in six Asia-Pacific countries towards the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 3.7 and 3.8 on Universal Health Coverage for all and access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning. 
Resource | Publications,
The Global Fund Strategy 2017-2022, Investing to End Epidemics, was developed under the leadership of the Board of the Global Fund, with contributions from numerous partners and stakeholders who share common goals in global health. Over a two-year period, in 2014 and 2015, the Board’s Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee led a broadly consultative process to collect the strongest ideas, perspective and guidance to formulate the Strategy.
Resource | Publications,
The focus of this guide is to help policymakers implement the migration aspects of the SDGs. Policymakers can use this guide to integrate migration into local or national development planning, by designing and implementing interventions that relate to migration in the context of the SDGs. These interventions may take the form of legislation, policies, programmes, projects or other activities, and may relate to core migration topics or integrate migration into activities in another sector. For example, policymakers may use this guide to design interventions that directly address human trafficking, as well as interventions in the health sector that help protect victims of trafficking.
Resource | Publications,
This report provides a snapshot of IOM’s health activities in 2017 and presents key achievements under three broad themes: (a) partnerships in migration health; (b) migration health in the context of crisis; and (c) disease prevention and response. The report illustrates IOM’s growing multidimensional migration health activities and partnerships in 2017, and demonstrates IOM’s commitment to advancing the health of migrants and their families worldwide, as well as supporting IOM Member States in addressing migration health challenges.
Resource | Publications,
Formal labour migration procedures are assumed to be beneficial to migrant workers in various ways, including by reducing vulnerability to abuse and exploitation. Little empirical work, however, has been conducted comparing the experiences of regular and irregular migrant workers, and assessing the outcomes of these different migration models. The report contributes to filling this gap in the study of migrant work, with a focus on the migration corridor between the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Thailand.  
Resource | Publications,
The study identified that the main impacts of existing vulnerabilities on urban migrants include challenges finding accommodation, along with land in the case of the ger areas, employment, access to urban services, financial disadvantage, information access, and social and familial conflicts.
Resource | Publications,
Taking a bold, ambitious and tenacious approach to building a more effective response to the health and rights of gay men, other men who have sex with men and SOGIESC* people in Asia and the Pacific is the focus of our new 2018-2020 strategic framework.
Resource | Publications,
Discrimination and lack of equal employment opportunities are common experiences of trans people. For some, problems arise while they are already employed, especially when they are trying to engage in a social transition in the workplace. For many, however, problems arise at the job hiring stage. Identification documents and educational certificates often ‘out’ trans people, even when their physical appearance does not. With employers either prejudiced or anxious about the possible reactions of co- workers and customers, trans people don’t get hired. This report looks into employment discrimination faced by transgender people while seeking employment in four countries in South-East Asia – Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The findings from this study provide direct evidence of discrimination against trans people in job hiring practices in the region.
Resource | Laws and Policies,
The Department of Health FY 2018 Budget Portfolio aims to provide an overview of the mandate of this Department, its health sector goals and objectives, strategic thrusts, and the salient features of the proposals for major budget line items in the 2018 proposed budget. It also aims to provide details on key objectives and performances of funded programs of the Department.