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Displaying results 2451 - 2460 of 4052

Resource | Publications,
This National Strategic Plan for HIV and STIs 2014-2018 provides strategic guidance and direction to all individuals, groups, organisations and agencies responsible for contributing to the national HIV and STI response in the Solomon Islands. This plan is based upon the commitments of the Government of the Solomon Islands to its people. The National Strategic Plan for HIV and STIs 2014-2018 has been designed to assist all stakeholders to develop their annual activity plans to meet national strategic priorities. Due to the five year duration of the National Strategic Plan, it is acknowledged that these priorities may change as a result of altered disease prevalence and patterns (perhaps resulting from changed behaviours and practices of some groups and/or improved surveillance and testing).
Resource | Presentations,
Get an overview of the HIV/AIDS situation for Other women and men at higher risk in the Asia-Pacific region. Browse and view charts and graphs illustrating data on this population's HIV prevalence and epidemiology, risk behaviors, vulnerability and HIV knowledge, and national response.
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok  
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok  
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok  
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok
Resource | Presentations,
DDC, MOPH 24 Sep 2015  
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok