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Displaying results 2721 - 2730 of 4052

Resource | Publications,
The establishment of the ASEAN Task Force on AIDS (ATFOA) in 1993 has provided the mechanism to operationalise the initial commitment made by the ASEAN Leaders during the 4th ASEAN Summit in 1992. To further foster the political commitments on HIV and AIDS, ATFOA spearheaded the development of the ASEAN Declaration of Commitment. To operationalise the Declaration, ATFOA proposed and got approval for a number of key initiatives that support the Declaration strategies, including the documentation of good practices, innovations, and other cross-cutting themes in HIV and AIDS that became the basis of this publication.
Resource | Publications,
This report presents the key findings and recommendations of the review of Myanmar's legal framework and its effect on access to health and HIV prevention and treatment services for people living with HIV and key populations. The review was conducted through partnership of UNAIDS, UNDP, and Pyoe Pin in the period August-December 2013, in consultation with the National AIDS Programme.
Resource | Laws and Policies,
This guideline is developed to ensure safe and effective use of Antiretroviral therapy (ART) for people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV). It is a local adaptation of the WHO Consolidated Guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection released in June 2013.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
In August 2014, there were 509 new HIV Ab seropositive individuals confirmed by the STD/AIDS Cooperative Central Laboratory (SACCL) and reported to the HIV and AIDS Registry (Table 1). This was 33% higher compared to the same period last year (n=382). [Figure 1].
Resource | Fact Sheets,
In May 2014, the World Health Assembly adopted the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) post-2015 global TB strategy, which aims to reduce global TB incidence by 90% before 2035. Given the special challenges of TB in countries with low levels of the disease, WHO in collaboration with the European Respiratory Society (ERS), and with experts from low-incidence countries has developed an eight-point framework adapted from the post-2015 global TB strategy to target pre-elimination and, ultimately, elimination. Today, there are 33 countries and territories with a low incidence of TB, where there are fewer than 100 TB cases per million population. The framework is also relevant for countries that are approaching the low TB incidence level.
Resource | Publications,
In order to reach the overall objectives, the Training Manual includes 8 practical training modules. Each module is introduced with a brief background to the topic and the purpose for its inclusion in the training. Modules also contain learning objectives, suggested readings, case studies and fact sheets. A series of slide by slide instructors’ notes and accompanying Power Point slide presentations for each module will assist LE trainers deliver each of the modules.
Resource | Publications,
This policy brief aims to promote the realization of gender equality and human rights in terms of an effective harm reduction response to HIV for women who inject drugs in community and prison settings. It outlines a framework to achieve that goal which focuses on improving the availability, accessibility, affordability and acceptability of women-oriented harm reduction interventions. Suggested good practice tools and guidance are also provided.
Resource | Laws and Policies,
This Prakas is aimed at regulating employers of entertainment service enterprises, establishments and companies to properly and comprehensively implement the Labour Law. The objectives of this Prakas include:
  • Strengthening the implementation of the Labour Law without any discrimination;
  • Clarify the Labour Law implementation obligations by employers towards entertainment workers;
  • Sensitize entertainment workers on the duties, rights and benefits as stated in the Labour Law;
  • Improve relationship between employers and entertainment workers according to the Labour Law;
  • This Prakas covers all entertainment service enterprises, establishment and companies across the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Resource | Publications,
The ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour (AFML) is the only known migration forum in Asia that brings together key stakeholders in labour migration in the ASEAN, including government, employers and workers' organizations- as well as the ASEAN Secretariat, civil society and international organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO). This document is a summary report of the Post 6th ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour GMS Consultation Workshop on good practice to improve existing complaint mechanism held on 15-16 August 2014 at Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Resource | Publications,
The Pacific Regional Strategy and Implementation Plan 2009-2013, (PRSIP II) has been the backbone of control initiatives in Pacific Islands Countries and Territories (PICTs) in the last five years to mitigate HIV and other STIs. Over the period, several PRSIP related objectives were carried out nationally in Tonga and cross-nationally by regional partners in PICTs. Majority of these interventions were jointly funded by the Response Fund (2009-2013) and Global Fund Round 7 (2008-2013). One of the important dictates of PRSIP is a need for PICTs to periodically review and update their National HIV and other STIs Control Strategic Plans. This document, Tonga National Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategic Plan (2014-2018) is the key deliverable of a cascade of six policies and strategies development phases.