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Displaying results 3711 - 3720 of 4052

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Successful scaling-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) requires rational use of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. These guidelines are based on the discussions held with health-care workers, researchers and programme managers from South-East Asia during a regional consultation organized by the World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO SEARO) and the United Nations Children's Fund Regional Office for South Asia (UNICEF ROSA) in New Delhi during 2006. This consultation meeting reviewed the new data, experiences of scaling-up of pediatric ART in the Region and made recommendations for adaptation to the needs in the Region of the global WHO guidelines on Antiretroviral therapy of HIV infection in infants and children in resource-limited settings: towards universal access. To facilitate use at the country level the consultation recommended simplification of the global guidelines.
Resource | Publications,
With a view to facilitating the scaling up of access to antiretroviral therapy, and in line with a public health approach, this publication outlines recent revisions WHO has made to case definitions for surveillance of HIV and the clinical and the immunological classification for HIV-related disease. HIV case definitions are defined and harmonized with the clinical staging and immunological classifications to facilitate improved HIV-related surveillance, to better track the incidence, prevalence and treatment burden of HIV infection and to plan appropriate public health responses. The revised clinical staging and immunological classification of HIV are designed to assist in clinically managing HIV, especially where there is limited laboratory capacity. The final revisions outlined here are derived from a series of regional consultations with Member States in all WHO regions held throughout 2004 and 2005, comments from public consultation and the deliberations of a global consensus meeting held in April 2006.
Resource | Presentations,
This presentation aims to analyse the occurrence of stavudine (d4T) related toxicity in a large cohort of patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).
Resource | Publications,
China's AIDS epidemic began in the early 1980s as a localized epidemic among needle-sharing intravenous drug users along the border with Myanmar in China’s Yunnan Province. HIV infections are now found in all of China’s 31 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, with new infections growing at an estimated rate of 30% annually since 1999 and 44% in 2003 (Wu, Rou, and Cui 2004). The epidemic has been unfolding for at least a decade and accelerating for the last few years (Kaufman and Jing 2002), and a narrowing window of opportunity exists to avert a much larger epidemic.
Resource | Presentations,
This is a presentation on results obtained from the implementation of the project, "A comprehensive intervention based on peer education for injecting drug users" in Lang Son. The objective of this project is to restrain HIV/AIDS epidemic within IDUs and from this group in to community in Lang Son.
Resource | Tools,
This document is a training material for a 4-day training course on counselling to support children’s adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART).
Resource | Presentations,
  • In February 2004, MSF-B started pediatric HIV/AIDS care in Takeo in collaboration with the hospital pediatric team
  • Located and extended nearby the pediatric ward in the compound of Daunkeo RH, Takeo provincial town
  • Staff: Hospital pediatric team + MSF-B staff
Resource | Presentations,
HIV/AIDS situation in Cambodia
  • First HIV detected in 1991
  • First AIDS case diagnosed in 1993
  • Main route of HIV transmission: heterosexual
  • 1998: 179,000 people living with HIV and AIDS
In 2003:
  • Estimated adult population infection rate: 1.9 %
  • Estimated number of PLHAs among adult population: 123,100 (women
  • 57,500)
  • AIDS patients: ~ 20,000
  • No National Data of HIV infected Children
  • ( Some Organizations estimated 9,000 HIV infected Children and 3,000 AIDS)
Resource | Presentations,
The objective is to determine ARV firstline drug toxicity in 30 month of treatment among HIV/AIDS patients in cohort ESTHER Calmette Hospital.
Resource | Presentations,
This is a presentation on Critical Issues in the Success of National ARV Treatment Programs in Asia. The presentation was made by Director Kevin Robert Frost of TREAT Asia.