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This publication is intended to spark interest, inquiry and discussion around community innovations. It draws on the response to the AIDS epidemic—a prime example of disruptive community innovations, not only in the health sector, but with far reaching implications for nearly every aspect of people’s lives—to show that innovation is about enabling communities to have the space, freedom and support to initiate and make changes for themselves.
Resource | Publications,
The 2020 report provides an unprecedented birds-eye view of the global health system today. It reveals that the leadership of the 200 most prominent organisations active in global health continues to reflect power and privilege asymmetries along historical, geographic and gender lines. The report further uncovers a distinct disconnect between the organisational priorities and the gendered burdens of disease around the world.  
Resource | Publications,
This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. It is dedicated to the women leaders and allied community mobilizers who have devoted their lives to advancing the human rights and dignity of all people affected by the HIV epidemic, and to opposing social injustice, gender inequality, stigma and discrimination, and violence. Unless otherwise indicated, the HIV-related statistics cited in this publication reflect the most recent UNAIDS data available.
Resource | Publications,
The study explores the various forms of stigma and discrimination experienced by transgender women, often resulting in violence and abuse, and barriers to accessing employment, education, health care and other social services. It examines stigma during childhood, within the family, at school and in health care settings, as well as stigma within the transgender community and HIV-related stigma. The findings of the study point to the need for more effective advocacy to increase the understanding of transgender people on how the structure, culture and institutions of Thai society instill, reinforce and perpetuate stigma against them. 
Resource | Publications,
This implementation package is a suite of practical resources and tools to support the implementation of the RESPECT Women: Preventing Violence against Women Framework. The package is built upon the global evidence base, expert recommendations and practitioner consensus to support policy makers and practitioners in developing ethical and effective VAW prevention programming.
Resource | Publications,
National and international leaders’ commitment to girls’ education has been gathering momentum since 2015, when UN member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG4 (to “ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning”) and SDG5 (to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” by 2030). At the same time, evidence about barriers to girls’ education, in particular for marginalised girls, is growing, along with a consensus on “what works” to advance girls’ education.
Resource | Publications,
Myanmar is one of the hardest hit countries in Asia by the HIV epidemic and is prioritized for the Global Fast Track strategy. The country’s HIV response is guided by National Strategic Plan (NSP) and implemented by organizations under the leadership of National AIDS Program (NAP). This report presents collective information on the achievements, challenges and opportunities in the course of the country’s HIV response during 2018, in reference to the strategic directions and national indicators described in the third National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS, 2016–2020 (NSP III).
Resource | Fact Sheets,
On Zero Discrimination Day and as part of the global movement for equality for women and girls, UNAIDS is highlighting seven areas where discrimination against women and girls persists, raising awareness and calling for change.
Resource | Publications,
For decades, women’s organizations have been at the forefront of the AIDS response, mobilizing communities to demand accountability and social justice for people living with HIV and for an inclusive, rights-based agenda. Their work and creativity have been vital for the progress made against the HIV epidemic and for upholding the rights of women and girls. These organizations, and the communities they serve, must remain at the heart of the AIDS response.
Resource | Publications,
On Zero Discrimination Day this year, UNAIDS is challenging the discrimination faced by women and girls in all their diversity and raising awareness and mobilizing action to promote equality and empowerment for women and girls.