Publications on Children

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UNICEF developed the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) to monitor goals established at the World Summit for Children (WSC) held in New York in 1990. But it is also consistent with many monitoring needs of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), as well as those of the more recent World Fit for Children (WFFC) that many countries are now using for human development planning into the 21st Century.

Care for Orphans, Children Affected by HIV/AIDS and Other Vulnerable Children: A Strategic Framework
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This document provides a strategic framework to assist national and local planners, implementers, and donors in setting priorities, and outlines the steps necessary to develop responsive care and support programs for orphans, children affected by AIDS and other vulnerable children.

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AIDS is now the greatest threat to child development in many parts of the world. In responding to HIV/AIDS, however, the children affected by the epidemic, especially those indirectly affected, are too often the forgotten ones. There is already a significant body of literature on the care and support of children living with HIV/AIDS, but most of this focuses on children in developed countries.

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It is generally agreed upon that failing to address the issues of PMTCT (prevention of mother-to-child transmission) dramatically increases the morbidity and mortality among children affected by HIV/AIDS. Thus, PMTCT has become the priority worldwide for reducing the numbers of HIV-infected children.