Publications on Transgender

Resource | Tools,
The Asia Pacific Transgender Network has released a Transgender Day of Remembrance Media Toolkit and terminology resource to guide the media to a fair and inclusive coverage and reporting on transgender people. 
Resource | Fact Sheets,
Compilation of the data on the 2015 Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance among males/transgenders who have sex with males (M/TSM), freelance female sex workers (FFSW), male entertainment establishment workers (MEW), transgender women (TGW), injecting drug users (IDU) male and female in different locations.
Resource | Fact Sheets,

Nepal has been conducting HIV and STI surveillance particularly among key populations, namely: PWID, FSW and their clients, MSM/TG, and male labor migrants for more than a decade mainly to track changes in HIV and STI prevalence along with behavioral components such as condom use. Hepatitis-B and C screening among PWID has been started in the IBBS surveys from 2015.

The size estimation of key population in districts was conducted in 2010. The population size is to be updated in every 2-3 years interval.

Resource | Publications,
This brief seeks to strengthen the ability of programmers and policymakers to understand and respond to HIV risks faced by transgender people around the world in order to reduce the burden of HIV in and protect the rights of trans communities.
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The regional report of this multi-country study contains findings and recommendations to address violence experienced by sex workers in Asia.
Resource | Publications,
“(Even) Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: A Case Study on Working Together as the Consortium of MSM and Transgender Networks” documents the impact of the Consortium’s efforts and describes the added value of collaboration. The primary context of the case study is the Consortium’s implementation of two grants by the Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund (RCNF) over the past two years. The Case Study highlights multiple examples of how working in a Consortium has benefited member networks and MSM and transgender communities in general. 
Resource | Publications,
Jumping Hurdles: Access To HIV Health Services for Young Men Who Have Sex with Men and Young Transgender Persons in Asia and the Pacific presents the barriers in accessing health services and the recommended elements of youth friendly services shared during the 3rd Regional Consultation. It is a part of YVC’s advocacy efforts targeting healthcare providers and governments in selected countries in the region.
Resource | Publications,
In this first attempt to map out transgender organizations, the report reflects the diverse range of amazing work being done with limited – or even no – funding. It shows the deep commitment and dedication of the transgender community across the region, whether in the area of HIV and health or in broader rights issues such as legal gender recognition, and legal protection from discrimination.
Resource | Publications,
As of 2015, five rounds of IBBS surveys have been conducted in Nepal.
Resource | Fact Sheets,

- The first HIV case was detected in 1988.
- The key populations are as follows:
- People who inject drugs (PWID)
- Sex workers and their clients (Male and Female)
- Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and transgender people
- Male Labor Migrants and their wives
- Prison Inmates
- Heterosexual transmission is dominant
- HIV prevalence among adult population in the country is below 1%