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Displaying results 1561 - 1570 of 4052

Resource | Publications,
Sri Lanka, during these last five years, has successfully maintained its low HIV prevalence status although numbers of HIV positive cases have been slowly rising over the years. The main population groups with a rising number of HIV positive cases have been males having sex with males (MSM) and returnee external migrant workers. However, numbers are not high so that identifying the key populations (KPs) in Sri Lanka is not straightforward.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
In September 2017, there were 936 new HIV antibody seropositive individuals reported to the HIV/AIDS and ART Registry of the Philippines (HARP). Eighty-six percent of those were asymptomatic at the time of reporting.
Resource | Publications,
This report presents the key findings of the NFHS-4 survey in Bihar, followed by detailed tables and an appendix on sampling errors. At the time of finalization of this report, wealth quintiles for the country as a whole were not ready. Therefore, on finalization of the national report, the breakup of key indicators by wealth quintiles for all states will be provided as an additional document and uploaded on the official website of MoHFW and IIPS.
Resource | Publications,
This report presents the key findings of the NFHS-4 survey in Madhya Pradesh, followed by detailed tables and an appendix on sampling errors. At the time of finalization of this report, wealth quintiles for the country as a whole were not ready. Therefore, on finalization of the national report, the breakup of key indicators by wealth quintiles for all states will be provided as an additional document and uploaded on the official website of MoHFW and IIPS.
Resource | Publications,
This report presents the key findings of the NFHS-4 survey in Uttar Pradesh, followed by detailed tables and an appendix on sampling errors. At the time of finalization of this report, the wealth quintiles for the country as a whole were not ready. Therefore, on finalization of the national report, tabulations of key indicators by wealth quintile for all states will be provided as an additional document and uploaded on the official website of MoHFW and IIPS.
Resource | Publications,
The 2016 SLDHS was conducted by the Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) for the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine with assistance from the World Bank. It collected information for a series of demographic and health indicators at the national, urban and rural estate and district level to monitor progress and to support the identification and development of policies, programs and interventions. The 2016 SLDHS was successfully implemented in almost all households (99 percent) selected and for almost all ever married women (99 percent) identified in the household. Data was collected using Computer- Assisted Personal Interviewing technology (CAPI) for the first time in DCS. It is also expected that this survey will serve as a continuation of the series of Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in Sri Lanka since 1987. This will also cater the needs of complication of a number of Sustainable Development Indicators.
Resource | Publications,
The report provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the TB epidemic, and of progress in prevention, diagnosis and treatment, at global, regional and country levels. This is done in the context of recommended global TB strategies and associated targets, as well as broader development goals set by the United Nations. WHO has published a global TB report every year since 1997.
Resource | Publications,
This document is an action framework designed for countries to plan tuberculosis (TB) services for groups within their populations that are more vulnerable, underserved or at higher risk of infection and illness related to TB. These groups are referred to as key populations in the Stop TB Partnership Global Plan to END TB. They are key because addressing TB issues they face is critical to the overall goal of ending the epidemic for the entire population. Key populations vary by country and include people with increased exposure to TB due to where they live or work, people with limited access to quality TB services, and people at greater risk due to biological or behavioural factors. The Global Plan to END TB calls for a paradigm shift, including how TB services are organized, managed and funded, moving:
  • From passive to active case finding with strong engagement of civil society including key
  • population-led networks and organizations
  • From vertical to integrated service delivery systems
  • From small incremental to accelerated substantial financial investments
Resource | Presentations,
-Commitments on ending AIDS and Fast-Track targets  -Regional overview -Public health model of HIV  -How HIV response model can benefit other communicable diseases
Resource | Presentations,
From barriers to bridges: Increasing access to HIV and other health services for trans people in Asia 20 September 2017 Bangkok, Thailand